The Ministry has released the following resources to support professional learning of educators in early years’ settings. These resources are intended to strengthen quality in programs and services for young children across early years’ settings in Ontario.
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years (2014)
How Does Learning Happen? is a professional learning resource designed to support program development and pedagogy in a variety of early years’ settings, inclusive of licensed child care, home-based childcare and family support programs. Key elements of the document include goals for children, encourage reflection for practitioners and supports partnerships with families.
Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from Research about Young Children (2013)
Released in 2013, this document contains a series of research briefs that highlight key findings and practical tips for educators related to:
- Positive adult relationships and brain development
- Learning environments
- Pedagogical leadership
- Self-Regulation
- Pedagogical Documentation
- Inclusion
- Parent Engagement
Full Day Kindergarten Document (2016)
This document provides program direction for full day kindergarten, including descriptions of play based curriculum, roles of the teacher and early childhood educator team. Program expectations are outlined and a pedagogical framework is available in regards to reflection, documentation and expectations for every day learning.
Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario (2013)
This document considers the input of professionals to discuss the skills and knowledge Ontario learners will need in the future. The government received input from representatives within the education system, including parents and students, teachers and support staff. Considered were also the input of groups outside the education center, including businesses and non-profit organizations.
Ontario Early Years Centres
The Ministry of Education funds several child and family programs including: Ontario Early Years Centres, Parenting and Family Literacy Centres, Child Care Resource Centres and Better Beginnings, Better Futures programs. These programs provide opportunities for all children to:
- Participate in play and inquiry-based programs
- Support parents and caregivers in their roles
- Provide access to information about child development and specialized services